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The Organs

The J W Walker & Sons West Organ

The West Organ

J W Walker & Sons Ltd

The West Organ was designed by Nicholas Kynaston in consultation with the builders J W Walker. They built it in 1982 and installed it in early 1983 but not without many problems. Three ranks of the pipes survive from the previous instrument: the Swell Wald Flute 4' (part of the previous Swell Wald Flute 8') and Octavin 2' (originally part of the Solo Concert Flute 4'), and the Pedal Violone 16'. They were incorporated along the remining new pipework. The sides of the case were also new, and the case façade dates from around the 1730s.

The Pedal Organ is at the back, with the Great in front. The Swell Organ is above the Great Organ, and the Orchestral Trumpet 8' lies horizontally on top of the Swell box. The Choir Organ is in the small case at the front.

The action is tracker, with electric action for the Great and Pedal, enabling it to be played from the Chancel console. Pipes from the Great Open Diapason 8' and Octave 4' form the façade of the main case and pipes of the Choir Prestant 4' form the façade of the choir case.

The organ was restored in 2021 by William Drake Ltd., made possible with money from the Bernard Sunley Foundation which had given the money in 1983 for the organ to be built in memory of Mary Sunley. The 2021 work saw an additional memorial to Bernard and Mary's daughter, Joan Tice, alongside the original.

West Organ Specification

Swell Organ [61 notes]
8' Echo Trumpet (Harmonic)
16' Bassoon
V Fourniture 15-19-22-26-29
1-3/5' Tierce
2' Octavin (Harmonic)
2-2/3' Nazard (Tapered)
4' Wald Flute
4' Principal
8' Tapered Flute
8' Voix Celeste (AA)
8' Viola da Gamba
Great Organ [61 notes]
4' Clarion
8' Trumpet
V Mounted Cornet (TG#) 1-8-12-15-17
III Acuta 26-29-33
IV Grave Mixture 15-19-22-26
2' Super Octave
4' Octave (Bass in façade)
8' Chimney Flute
8' Open Diapason (Bass in façade)
16' Quintaton
Swell to Great
Choir to Great
Choir Organ [61 notes]
8' Cremona
IV Sharp Mixture 22-26-29-33
1-1/3' Larigot
2' Principal
4' Spindle Flute (Tapered)
4' Prestant (Bass in façade)
8' Stopped Diapason
Swell to Choir
Pedal Organ [32 notes]
8' Trumpet
16' Trombone
IV Mixture 19-22-26-29
4' Tenor Octave
8' Gedackt
8' Octave
10-2/3' Quint
16' Bourdon
16' Violone
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Choir to Pedal
Great & Pedal Combinations Coupled
Generals on Swell Toe Pedals
Stepper on Pedal Couplers Toe Pistons

The Chancel Organ

The Chancel Organ

Alfred Monk

The Chancel organ was built in 1893 by Alfred Monk for St Andrew's 'Scotch' Church, and it was rebuilt and enlarged in 1939 by Hill & Son and Norman & Beard. In 2004, the church became redundant and closed. The organ was transferred to All Saints in 2006 and installed by Kenneth Tickell. While the organ was slightly reduced in size losing both Swell (now Pedal Echo Bourdon 16') and Great (now Pedal Violone 16') manual flue doubles, Kenneth Tickell added some new ranks, denoted by an * next to the name below. The William Hill case façade dates from 1884.

The Pedal Organ is at the back, with the Swell Organ on the west side. The horizontal shutters of the Swell Organ open on the east side of the box, the Great Organ is central, and the Choir Organ is on the east wall, with the vertical shutters opening on the west side of the box, projecting the sound into the Nave. All manual soundboards run north/south. The action is electric-pneumatic with electric stop action and mechanical action for the Swell boxes.

The Chancel Organ is predominantly used for accompanying the choirs, but it also adept as a recital instrument as well, either on its own, or combined with the West Organ.

Chancel Organ Specification

Swell Organ [56 notes]
8' Orchestral Trumpet (from West)
8' Cornopean
6' 1Contra Fagotto
8' Oboe
III-IV Mixture 15-19-22
4' Lieblich Flute
4' Principal
8' Rohr Gedackt
8' Voix Celeste (TC)
8' Gamba
8' Violin Diapason
Sub Octave
Great Organ [56 notes]
8' Tromba (from Choir)
III-IV Mixture 19-22-26
2' Fifteenth
4' Open Flute
4' Principal
8' Clarabella
8' Dulciana
8' Open Diapason
Swell to Great
Choir to Great
West Great on Great
Choir Organ [56 notes]
8' Orchestral Trumpet (from West)
8' Tromba
8' Clarinet
2' Piccolo
4' Wald Flute
8' Lieblich Gedackt
8' Viola da Gamba
8' Viole d'Orchestre
Sub Octave
Swell to Choir
West Great on Choir
Pedal Organ [30 notes]
8' Tromba (from Choir)
16' Trombone
8' Bass Flute
8' Octave Wood (ext.)
16' Echo Bourdon
16' Sub Bass
16' Violone
16' Open Wood
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Choir to Pedal
West Pedal on Pedal
Great & Pedal Combinations Coupled

The J W Walker & Sons Chapel Organ

The Lady Chapel Organ

J W Walker & Sons Ltd

The Lady Chapel organ was built at the same time as the West Organ, by J W Walker. It is a 'Positive Minor', consisting of 2 ranks (Gedackt from 16' to 2', and Principal at 4').

Lady Chapel Organ Specification

2' Flautino B
2' Fifteenth A (49-61 from B)
2-2/3' Nazard B
4' Gedackt Flute B
4' Principal A
8' Gedackt Flute B
8' Open Diapason A (1-12 from B)
8' Melodic Diapason Treble
16' Melodic Bourdon Bass
4' Octave Flute B
8' Flute B
16' Bourdon B

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